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Abruzzo Events – An Abruzzo Event Guide for the Mountains & Coast


Experience & explore Abruzzo’s mountains and coastline with a simple list to the best of local events over the year!

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WhatsOnAbruzzo January

(TE- Teramo, PE – Pescara, CH- Chieti, AQ – L’Aquila)

WhatsOnAbruzzo February, March & April

(TE- Teramo, PE – Pescara, CH- Chieti, AQ – L’Aquila)

  • 3rd February – Le panicelle di San Biagio , Taranta Peligna (CH)
  • The Saturday before Shrove Tuesday/Mardi Gras – I Mazzaroni • Schiavi d’Abruzzo (CH)
  • Carnival Sunday – La Maschera • Castiglione Messer Marino (CH)
  • Ash Wednesday – La morte di Carnevale • Montorio al Vomano (TE), Read more
  • Maundy Thursday – Il Cireneo, Lanciano (CH)
  • 23-24th March-   FAI Spring Open Days
  • Good Friday  – La processione del Venerdì Santo – Scurcola Marsicana (AQ), Villa Petto di Colledara (TE), Chieti (CH) read more,  Sulmona (AQ), San Valentino in Abruzzo Citeriore (PE),
  • Easter Sunday – La Madonna che scappa in piazza, Sulmona (AQ), Read More
  • Easter Monday – La Pasquetta, Palmoli , San Salvo (CH)
  • Easter Monday – La processione del Lunedì in Albis,  Rosciolo di Magliano dei Marsi (AQ)
  • Easter Tuesday – I Talami , Orsogna (CH)
  • 27th April – I focaracci per la Madonna di Pietraquaria , Avezzano (AQ)

WhatsOnAbruzzo May & June

(TE- Teramo, PE – Pescara, CH- Chieti, AQ – L’Aquila)

  • 1st May – Il Majo – San Giovanni Lipioni (CH) 
  • 1st May, San Domenico Abate e il rito dei serpari • Cocullo (AQ) – 1 May, Read more
  • 1st May , Santa Liberata – Francavilla al Mare (CH), Read more
  • Le Virtù, – Across the province of Teramo, Read more
  • 1st Sunday of May – Il pellegrinaggio alla Madonna della Libera • Pratola Peligna (AQ)
  • 1st Sunday of May – Il miracolo del lupo • Pretoro (CH) 
  • 2nd Sunday May – La Madonna del Gonfalone • Navelli (AQ)
  • Ju calenne • Villagrande di Tornimparte (AQ)
  • La processione delle Verginelle • Rapino (CH) –
  • L’acqua di San Michele, Liscia (CH)
  • La grotta di San Michele, Bominaco di Caporciano (AQ)
  • I Fratelli di San Michele,  Balsorano (AQ)
  • La Madonna della Croce,Pietranico (PE)Il pane di Santa Gemma, Goriano Sicoli (AQ)
  • Il pellegrinaggio a l’Eremo di San Venanzio, Raiano (AQ)
  • Sunday before 23rd may – La Festa dei Banderesi, Bucchianico (CH)
  • Pentecost Monday – Il bue di San Zopito, Loreto Aprutino (PE)
  • Il pellegrinaggio a Sant’Erasmo, Beffi e Succiano di Acciano (AQ)
  • 5th June – La fonte di San Franco, Assergi (AQ)
  • 12-14th June – La Festa di Sant’Onofrio Eremita,  Serramonacesca (PE)
  • 24 June – La notte di San Giovanni, Civitella Roveto (AQ)
  • 24th June –  La fonte di San Giovanni,  Bisegna (AQ)

WhatsOnAbruzzo July & August

(TE- Teramo, PE – Pescara, CH- Chieti, AQ – L’Aquila)

  • July-August – Un Mosaico per Tornareccio, Tornareccio (CH), Read More
  • 27th July –  L’asta delle pacchianelle, Palmoli (CH)
  • Last Sunday in July – La processione di Sant’Andrea, Pescara
  • 1st Sunday August –  La Madonna dei Turchi, Tollo (CH)
  • 16 August –  Il ballo della Pupa, Cappelle sul Tavo (PE)
  • L’oro di San Rocco –  Castelvecchio Subequo (AQ)
  • 21 August – Il pellegrinaggio all’Eremo San Domenico • Villalago (AQ)

WhatsOnAbruzzo September & October

(TE- Teramo, PE – Pescara, CH- Chieti, AQ – L’Aquila)

  • 1st September-L’Eremo di Santa Colomba,  Pagliara di Isola del Gran Sasso (TE) 
  • 1st Sunday September –La Corsa degli zingari, Pacentro (AQ) 
  • 13-16th September – Il Dono alla Madonna del Ponte,  Lanciano (CH) 
  • 25th September – L’Eremo di San Bartolomeo, Roccamorice (PE) 
  • Last week September – Regina di Miele. Tornareccio (CH), Read More
  • 1st weekend in October – Montonico Grape Celebration, Bisenti (TE) – A four day celebration of the Montonico grape in the pretty birthplace of Pontius Pilate.  Montonico was formerly the most popular grown grape in the area and was traditionally air-dried into raisins to feed families throughout the hard winters. Expect great grapes, local food and wine stands, a white night on the Saturday and parade on Sunday.  Read more
  • Palio delle Contrade, (District Farmers Games), Pescina, AQ – Pescina is the  town where the author Ignazio Silone set his novel “Fontamara’ and its annual ‘Palio delle Contrade’ (Farmers games) pitches its 4 districts against one another in games accompanied by food and a donkey race on Sunday.  Read more
  • Mosto D’Oro, Morro D’Oro (TE) – A historical re-enactment of a rural grape harvest in days gone by will be hosted by this famous Teramana wine town.  Beyond the wine pressing, there will be plenty of activities to get involved on accompanied by live music and fuelled with delicious 0 km dishes from the local area.  Read more
  • Grape Festival (Festa dell’ Uva), Alanno Scalo, PE – An important and vibrant key event on Abruzzo’s folklore calendar that has plenty of food, dance and music to accompany the traditional pressing of grapes by foot and the finale is the dance of the pupa.  
  • 2nd Weekend October – Open Cantina of the Rock (Cantine all Roccia), Alto la Terra, Tagliacozzo, AQ = An exciting path of aroma, taste, music and colour will be woven between the streets and alleys of the ancient artistic mountain town so beloved by Edward Lear.  The use of ancient cellars that were dug out of the rock in the old houses creates a magical feeling of living in the past that enhances and enlivens the event. In the soft light of the evening, the sounds of the ancient trades set in the original workshops will resound, the festive call of the visitors, the notes of the “street bands” and the dialectal songs of the boys’ groups will animate the ancient Via Valeria and the surrounding alleys.  Soups, local butchery, homemade bread, stews, chestnuts, wine and traditional desserts will be on offer over the 3 days.  Read more.
  • 3rd Weekend October- The Old Streets of Civitella Roveto (Le Antiche Rue a Civitella Roveto), Civitella Roveto, AQ – The aim of this eno-gastronomic event is to introduce visitors to the chestnut “Roscetta”, a typical variety of the Valle Roveto and, at the same time, re-evaluate and give new life to the small town of Civitella Roveto, a historic village that is a member of the Borgi Autentica Association that opens its cellars and creates atmospheric pop ups to create the taste and flavours of Autumn.  Besides the chestnuts, it will be possible to taste dishes based on truffles and mushrooms, pancakes, jams and sweets typical of the area. Read more
  • 3rd Weekend October – Chestnut Festival, (Festa delle Castagne), Senarica, TE – If you are in need of an  chestnut pilgrimage whilst in , we’d recommend the chestnut  in Senarica di Crognaleto, Abruzzo  which celebrates the local lu ‘nzite variety. The smell of slow roasted chestnuts intermingling with arrosticini, grilled local sausages, sweet whiffs of vino cotto, is something that could make even the ashes in the local cemetery wake up & put themselves together in order to feast.   Sat in the middle of the mountains of the  and overlooking a ridge of the River Vomano, beautiful Senarica di Crognaleto was once the world’s former smallest republic and  granted its official title and protection by the Venetian Republic in the 15th century.  Read more or our review.

WhatsOnAbruzzo November & December

(TE- Teramo, PE – Pescara, CH- Chieti, AQ – L’Aquila)

Autumn’s bounty can be sampled in November with the opening of Vino Novello,  the scent & taste of the new olive oil, white truffles, chestnuts, mulled wine & the start of all those delicious fritters with different names across the provinces to keep out the cold.

  • `1st weekend of November – White Truffle Festial, Poggio Umbricchio (TE)
  • Perano, CH, Village of Wine – https://bit.ly/2SHgjlV
    Montreale, AQ, Colours & Taste of Autumn – https://bit.ly/2SHgjlV
    Sante Marie, AQ, Chestnut Festival, https://bit.ly/34le1Os

    Serramonacesca PE, L’Aneme de Le Morte (Celebrations on the eve of ‘Il Giorno dei Morti’ Day of the Dead), A fun celebration that takes a little bit of American Halloween and mixes it with traditional celebrations ready for the 2nd November, ‘i Morti’ that remembers deceased members of the family.  Expect lots and  lots of pumpkins, great food, roasted chestnuts and live music.  Read More https://bit.ly/2r4ISR1
  • Cesaproba, CH – Chestnut Festival – https://bit.ly/2SHDmx6
    Romagnol, CH – Flavours of Autumn – https://bit.ly/2JB4ucF
    Frisa, CH, New Oil Festa – https://bit.ly/36jVdAL

    Fossacessia, CH – Sapori a Palazzo (New Oli, Wine) – https://bit.ly/2C7fICN
  • Romagnol, CH – Flavours of Autumn – https://bit.ly/2JB4ucF
    Campotosto, AQ, Festival dei Mazzapuregli (Naughty Elves) – https://bit.ly/2Rzbj1q
  • 8-10th November – I donativi per Santa Reparata, Casoli (CH) 
  • 10th November – La processione dei cornuti,  San Valentino in Abruzzo Citeriore (PE)
  • 10th November – Le Glorie di San Martino, Scanno (AQ), probably the most famous San Martino festival in Abruzzo, with 3 giant bonfires that are burnt to help fertilise the earth) – http://deguscanno.it/
  • 5-6th December – Le fave di San Nicola • Pollutri (CH)
  • 7-8th December – I faugni, Atri (TE)
  • 24th December – La farchia di Natale, Tufillo (CH)
  • 24th December – La processione delle ‘ntosse, Santo Stefano di Sante Marie (AQ)
  • 31st December – La serenata di Capodanno, Pettorano sul Gizio (AQ)

Check out our list of fab Christmas Markets in Abruzzo




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