Advertise on Life In Abruzzo

Reach the World

Get Found and Seen IN and OUT of Abruzzo

from €10 a month 

2023 – An annual reach of 758,000 people on social media and, 117,000 unique visitors to the website!

Be Found!

10 by direct debit per month
OR €100 per annum

Be Social!

14 by direct debit per month
OR €150 per annum

Content King!

20 by direct debit per month
OR €200 per annum


33 by direct debit per month
OR €360 per annum

In December 2023, after 20 years of being a successful blog, Life In Abruzzo became a not-for-profit cultural association.  A carefully selected group of members governs our new association to promote the region and its businesses, bringing them to the attention of our international community.

Our readership and community grow daily, helped along by great content-rich, search engine optimised articles, national press and invites to contribute articles to magazines.  Each drives traffic back to our website and social media profiles.  Our integrated advertising offers include our:


Wouldn’t you like your company to be found by English speakers all over the world?   We guarantee you greater visibility of your services and your company. 

Generous Tax Credits!

 Because we are a cultural association you can receive the ‘Il Bonus Pubblicità’ tax credit that is worth 75% of your advertising spend with us if you are an Italian registered company!


Donation to Salviamo l’Orso

For every business that signs up to our Abruzzo Directory, we will donate 10% of the net subscription to the Marsican Bear charity, Salviamo l’Orso.


Life In Abruzzo Advertising Tiers

Here are our advertising tiers.  We include ‘Blog’ articles in our Gold and Platinum Tiers because they are an essential part of any business being found organically, without the need for ppc advertising by Google.  To see how effective they are try searching for ‘Scanno guide’ in Google, we aren’t guides ourselves but we come up first on Page 1 of Google!   



Administration Fee

An administration fee will be charged once only which covers support time from the team in getting you up to speed.  This will be €10 for the Bronze tier, €20 for the Silver tier, €30 for the Gold tier and €40 for the Platinum tier.


Group Meetings 

The ‘Directory’ group meetings in 2024 will contain very useful information, plus individual suggestions for your business. This includes who and how to aim your blog and social media posts so that they appeal to our national and worldwide readers and followers. The Life In Abruzzo demographic!



Gold and Platinum members can submit their Italian language blog posts, of up to 250 words, to be translated by our team in 2024 for FREE!



The Life In Abruzzo team provides strategic advice for your post content and the effective placement of your brand.

Results Count

"I have known and worked with Sam and Life In Abruzzo for a decade and when she invited us to sign up for early bird offer for the The Abruzzo Directory we jumped at her idea. Bringing info together, and all of us all working together increases the chances of us all being found and bookings. Abruzzo's information is so scattered, we ourselves find it difficult and we know the region as locals, tour operators and accommodation providers, we can all benefit from it being in one place!

We recouped our investment in the 'Gold Tier' within a week of being live on the site when she promoted our truffle excursion! It's good to be featured across the site and social media, even if people aren't visiting this year they have a handy resource for next year."

2023 Annual Traffic Totals


  • 117,000 Unique Users
  • 222,000 Page Views

Newsletter Average Send

  • 2,500 Subscribers
  • 54% Open Rate
  • 14% Click Thru Rate


  • Top Countries ‐ 65% Italy, UK, Canada, Australia,  ROW
  •  35% USA
  • Gender – 66% Female  | 34% Male
  • Age ‐ 48% Under 50 | 52%  50 plus

Facebook Public Page

  • 428,000 Reach

Private LifeInAbruzzo Facebook Group


  • 133,662 Reactions
  • 28, 738  Comments
  • 6,050 Members


  • 324,000 Reach


Dear Sam, We are super happy with the result!

With the Life in Abruzzo marketplace we have virtually opened the doors of our ceramic workshop to the overseas public. It was amazing to make custom creations and send them thousands of miles away even when the world was at a standstill due to the pandemic.We talked about our corner of Abruzzo on the blog and in the group and beautiful encounters and synergies between small businesses were born: a special line of ceramic bowls has already arrived in London.We look forward to preparing new ideas!

LifeinAbruzzo is a gold mine of information, history and curiosities. Although I am from Abruzzo "remade with onion", as they say in my part, this is one of the sites I consult the most - because it continually surprises me with the quality of the articles and photos.By virtue of its diffusion in the British community, I found many entrepreneurs' stores in Abruzzo through the blog for my television program A New Life in the Sun.Thanks LifeinAbruzzo!

I have known Sam since 2017, her knowledge and promotion of the Abruzzo region is unmatched. His site is the most followed in the international community in Abruzzo and every time I contacted Sam to promote an event, the response was remarkable, keep up the great work Sam!

Press, Mentions & Features
Who we have written for & who has written about us


 Glug Magazine – Abruzzo Wine Edition  –  Entangled Landscapes  Vol I – Abruzzo  –  The Guardian Holidays in Italy Live Q&A   – NY Times An Intimate Look at Italy’s Saffron – Daily Mail A Street Party Bite – The Local Italy The Food Keeps you Coming Back for More – Destination Eat, Drink Podcast, Liqueurs in Central America & Europe, Podcast, Abruzzo Italy – Feedspot The Best Italian Blogs – Hardcore Italians 5 Festivals you Must Experience in Abruzzo – Rick Steves Best Abruzzo Blog – The Culture Trip The Best 21 Italian Festivals to Visit – The Conversation Italy’s Bears – iItaly Hands on L’Aquila: The Blogging Conference to Help Abruzzo – Yahoo News Italy’s Subspecies Bear –Yahoo News UK – Italy Oil Drilling Protests Abruzzo – iItaly Breaking Bread in L’Aquila – Saint Feast Family  St Anthony Abate – Santa Monica Observer – How an American Environmentalist Became an Measure LV Supporter  – Eating Europe – Best Italy Travel Blogs – How Stuff Works – Ultimate Guide to the Abruzzo Wine Region – Art Daily –Auction to raise funds for L’Aquila Church  – TNT Magazine, p82  Vintage Italy – Abruzzo



ANSA  ‘Life in Abruzzo’, nasce associazione culturale di anglofoni, Il Messaggero Abruzzo: Dom Serafini (20/08/2023), Food and Wine Italia Guerra in Ucraina, le iniziative del mondo enogastronomico –  Your Wine Magazine Italia Let’s Blog Abruzzo –  Bere il Vino Let’s Blog Abruzzo



Abruzzo Economica Sam Dunham, La Blogger Inglese Innamorata dell’Abruzzo – L’Aquila Blog Life in Abruzzo, dal blog al marketplace natalizio: inglesi innamorati della nostra regione – Il Centro Turismo e cucina la rete dei blogger scopre l’Abruzzo  – Abruzzo News Wine Tour e Premio giornalistico internazionale “Words of Wine” 2017 – Save the Montepulciano d’Abruzzo The Forest Oil Corporation: The Ticking Oil Bomb Over Abruzzo – University of Studies “G. d’Annunzio” Chieti – Pescara – You Tube Let’s Blog Abruzzo – Abruzzo.NO Sam Dunham’s Life in Abruzzo

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