Life in Abruzzo January Sun

Life in Abruzzo January Sun
Our theme for our  Life In Abruzzo January photography competition was ‘January sun’ with its spectacular low sun silvery gold hues against powder skies that brighten and cheer up down days.  For those wondering what January is like in Abruzzo check these out from the members of our Social Club.  This is our private Fb group, do join us if you want to submit a photo for our February, it’s free!
January Winter Sun Winners!
Winer for Essence of Abruzzo
Dianne Drew for Abandoned church with bird, Penne,
Highly commended and a special mention
The Golden Hour
Antonio Costantini – Bosco San Antonio (Pescocostanzo)
Maura Duffy – Maiella, Clouds Clearing
Viktoriia Bazylevych – Lago di Scanno
Steve Barber – Wonderful sunny morning in Bomba
Catherine Campbell – A bit abstract but the sun was so bright and the sea so clear. Marina di San Vito
Penne, Dianne Drew

Penne, Dianne Drew

 Bosco San Antonio ( Pescocostanzo), Antonio Costantini

Bosco San Antonio ( Pescocostanzo), Antonio Costantini


Maiella, Clouds Clearing, Maura Duffy

Maiella, Clouds Clearing Maura Duffy

Lago di Scanno, Viktoriia Bazylevych

Lago di Scanno, Viktoriia Bazylevych

Bomba, Steve Bomba

Bomba, Steve Barber

Marina di San Vito, Catherine Campbell

Marina di San Vito, Catherine Campbell

The prize for the best overall photo and description for January won a wonderful selection of FattoriaValleMagica salami, valued at €29.95. It contains no additives and is made from heritage Nero d’Abruzzo pigs that are raised outdoors on a natural diet.  The box includes Salsicca Tradizionale, Salsicce di Fegato, Salame di Proscuitto, Ventricina Teramana.  Don’t forget to join us on  Sunday, 12th February for our event at the farm!

Sam Dunham
Author: Sam Dunham

Sam is a very lucky midlife 'mamma' to A who is 12 and juggles her work as a self-employed freelance SEO food and travel copywriter and EFL teacher. She is the founder of the Life In Abruzzo Cultural Association, co-founder of Let's Blog Abruzzo. she is the founder of the 'English in the Woods' initiative, teaching English outdoors in a forest style school.

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