Last of the Wild Asparagus & Start of Unofficial Summer

There are a lot of unofficial indicators for the start of summer in Abruzzo; one of them is the National Bank Holiday on the 2nd June, the Festa della Repubblica, that celebrates the end of fascism and the people’s vote to exile their short-lived monarchy after the 2nd World War.  My favourite heard from my neighbours is the end to wild asparagus season.  Judging by our unfruitful asparagus hunt today (with a feeble total picking of just 2 stalks) Summer has unofficially started, it’s getting hot in Abruzzo and asparagus do prefer slightly lower temperatures to full on sun blasts.

I will so miss these spindly lovelies (and I don’t mean the octogenarians & we did have the macro lens on the camera in case you are wondering), and all the frittata asparagi (Asparagus omelette) that we’ve enjoyed since we got back to Abruzzo in May.

Asparagus Frittata Recipe

1 bunch of asparagus
4 eggs
250g pecorino cheese
Black Pepper
2 tblsp  of extra virgin olive oil

Chop the asparagus into small pieces and blanch or steam for 3-4 minutes depending on how thick your stalks, and drain accordingly and pat dry.
In a bowl beat the eggs & cheese together and season with pepper and mix well together. (I don’t use salt as I think the saltiness from the Pecorino Cheese is enough.

Add the oil into a heavy bottomed frying pan. Put oil on the bottom of the pan, pour the asparagus and then add the egg & cheese mixture into a pan, whirl the omelette mixture around so that it covers the asparagus and you have in affect a pancake.  Flatten the pancake with a fish slice, after 4 minutes, turn upside down onto a plate and slide back into your frying pan to cook the other side.

Before serving drain any excess oil by turning out the frittata onto a plate with kitchen paper.  Perfect hot or cold and wonderful served with a chilled Pecorino wine…

Further Reading

Sacred Earth – Details on how to foraging for food & how to hunt down wild asparagus

Sam Dunham
Author: Sam Dunham

Sam is a very lucky midlife 'mamma' to A who is 12 and juggles her work as a self-employed freelance SEO food and travel copywriter and EFL teacher. She is the founder of the Life In Abruzzo Cultural Association, co-founder of Let's Blog Abruzzo. she is the founder of the 'English in the Woods' initiative, teaching English outdoors in a forest style school.

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