Stuffed Zucchini Flowers with Fried Cheese, Capers and Mint

When  next door Nonna gifts you 6 fiori di zucchini (fresh zucchini flowers) following your interest in photographing them in her orto, it would be madness to look a gift horse in the mouth and not take up her cookery challenge of deep fried stuffed zucchini blossoms!

Sadly all those traditional ingredients, mozzarella and anchovies that you normally tuck into these delicate golden flowers before deep frying were missing from my kitchen cupboards so it was a case of improvisation.  Abruzzo has a wonderful frying cow cheese, Formaggi di piastra, available to buy in thick slices and reminiscent of Greek halloumi less the mint, so I used some of this and added some finely chopped capers and mint in a nod across the sea to Greece.

How gorgeous was this version of vegetarian stuffed courgette flowers, enough for my partner who’d never eaten them before to remark on what a sensual delicacy they were for lunch, a real treat, or course he is Scottish and anything deep fried will win him over but that phrase “sensual treat” is practically unknown!


Sam Dunham
Author: Sam Dunham

Sam is a very lucky midlife 'mamma' to A who is 12 and juggles her work as a self-employed freelance SEO food and travel copywriter and EFL teacher. She is the founder of the Life In Abruzzo Cultural Association, co-founder of Let's Blog Abruzzo. she is the founder of the 'English in the Woods' initiative, teaching English outdoors in a forest style school.

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20 July 2013 01:45

Well done Sammy. I think my clumsy fingers are too big for such a delicate operation. Might have to get my cheffy husband Roo to try this one come springtime in Adelaide…

23 July 2013 12:34
Reply to  mltucker

Thanks so much ML, they\’re a lot more robust than you\’d think, I am so cack-handed and I managed it. What type of frying cheese can you get in Aus? Do they let through halloumi?

My Family & Abruzzo
23 July 2013 10:38

These look divine! I bet they were delicious. : )

23 July 2013 12:36

They were actually not bad Lulu even dare I say great for a bit of an invention, have you ever made them before?

23 July 2013 13:35

Actually, Sam we have all sorts of artisan cheeses made all over Australia! We get Haloumi from local cheesewrights as well as from Kangaroo Island, just off the coast of South Australia (my state). And we have a few providers at the Adelaide Central Market ( and selected delis across the metropolitan region who sell imported goods. We have relatively large immigrant groups here who make their cheese styles from their home countries. Siamo veramente l'imbarazzo della scelta.

We buy all our fresh food from the Adelaide Central Market or the local farmers markets (, even the wheat for pasta. And wines are probably our state's biggest export.

We buy our coffee beans from a guy from Sulmona and our meat from a lovely Abruzzese butcher from Chieti I think, who has won awards in Italy and here in Australia. His children and grandchildren continue to work in the shop that also sells local and imported cheeses, kitchen implements, etc…I really should write a post about the Marino family…

Ciao for now, MLT

24 July 2013 14:29
Reply to  mltucker

Brilliant home grown ways of beating imports. One day we\’ll get over and see Roddy\’s sister and taste all these lovelies you mention

Cheryl Moniga Bennett
19 July 2013 19:56

I remember my Grandma making these!

Lynne Espinoza Calleja
19 July 2013 13:31

My grandma used to make something like these — loved them! I’ve never seen a recipe for them.

Life in Abruzzo
Life in Abruzzo
19 July 2013 13:54

What did she stuff them with Lynne can you remember?

Hang On To The Vine
19 July 2013 13:34

Lucky Roddy.

Life in Abruzzo
Life in Abruzzo
19 July 2013 13:55

Oh yes, huge treat for me too I haven’t had them this year

Antonio Ticchioni
19 July 2013 13:53

Da cui veniva:”….a pambl di chicocce”

1 September 2015 11:58

You have such a great website I can’t get enough of it 🙂 I blog on Italy too 🙂

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