Is it Safe to Travel to Abruzzo?


Following L’Aquila’s earthquake on 6th April 2009, the immediate area is still experiencing aftershocks.  The past week has seen a decrease in the number of aftershocks from on average 20 per day down to 3 a day.  These vary in strength from between 1-5 on the Richter Scale.

For an up-to-the minute view of aftershocks click here to view the Italian National Centre of Vulcanology & Geology, the 4 epicentres to take note of are Aquilana, Monti della Laga, Velino Sirente & Valle dell’Aterno – all illustrated at the bottom of this page.

Obviously these tremors can be unsettling and for this fact alone there are still a number of people sleeping in their cars rather than in their houses, including areas that have not been the centre of the original epicentre or the subsequent aftershocks’ epicentres.  The aftershocks have caused gas leaks, and roads to disintegrate in a number of places so we therefore advise seeking alternative holiday accommodation of 45 km + beyond the epicentres displayed in the images at the bottom of this page.

L’Aquila City Centre
The centre of L’Aquila is still prohibited and being patrolled by the Italian Mountain Infantry to ensure that no looting takes place or residents incur accidents in streets that have not yet been made safe or removed of the debris of the earthquake.

There are still structures which require an official examination to ascertain whether they are safe or need to be demolished.  We advise travellers to Abruzzo to stay away from the city of L’Aquila and her hill villages unless it is absolutely essential and you are visiting family, in which case ideally try and make arrangements to meet outside these zones.  This will allow members of the Civil Protection Service to continue their essential work in trying to ensure that as many people can return to their houses as soon as possible, as opposed to living in tents.

Some parts of the other provinces of Abruzzo, namely Chieti, Pescara & Teramo in a similar way to Rome have experienced damage but not on the scale of the epicentre of the earthquake on the 6th April.

Confirm all Holiday Accommodation BEFORE Arriving

For those considering a holiday to Abruzzo we fully recommend making a holiday accommodation booking BEFORE you travel to any of Abruzzo’s provinces.  This is due to the Italian government temporarily requisitioning a number of hotels on Abruzzo’s Adriatic Coast to assist those who have become homeless.

Where previously you may have been able to turn up a hotel and find late-minute availability you may well not be quite so fortunate at the moment.  With regards to staying at Abruzzo’s agriturismi or b&b, again check – as these are family run establishments a number of these are providing accommodation to their relatives from L’Aquila – again book before your departure check with them before you leave.

Areas experiencing aftershocks

Roddy Newlands
Author: Roddy Newlands

Roddy Newlands is an Associate Member of Life In Abruzzo, as well as antique book dealer and web and graphic designer. Abruzzo allows him to get his mountain-air fix, & satisfy his passion for pasta & panettone.

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