Fine Fish at Trattoria Luciana – Roseto degli Abruzzi

Alici cevicheFor those with a forgivable aversion to violet painted trees don’t let these put you off Trattoria Luciana in Roseto degli Abruzzi! The restaurant’s exterior decor tones down within their spacious pergola, and most importantly it’s probably the best fish restaurant to visit if you’re enjoying Roseto’s blue flag beach.

Family-run since the early ‘60s, Trattoria Luciana’s reputation is built on the freshness of its fish and quality of service, which is fast & attentive. It is a little pricier than some other restaurants in the area but if you do pop by in the week there is the option of a set menu that seems to impress locals enough to make it fairly busy at lunchtimes, weekends it is purely à la carte.

Musels & Clams

Fat juicy zesty ceviche of fresh anchovies (alici) made me wish that these were available everywhere for lunch back home, perhaps an alternative to main-stream sushi, as you drown another piece of bread in the lemony marinade. Mantis Shrimp Cicale di mare, those large cricket-like prawns hence their Italian name, are carefully prepared & opened so that no parts go dancing across the room – always a plus in my books! I love that they serve their steamed seafood co-joined – a bowl of small & sweet mussels cozze pelose (hairy mussels) with the ever-so-complementary vongole. A la carte antipasti is a lot more extensive, with circa seven dishes.

Trattoria Luciana’s pasta portions aren’t, thankfully, excessive; this does mean you get to taste the fish & seafood. On a recent visit we had light and fluffy gnocchi which worked very well with the tender seafood sauce that coated them. For secondo expect to have a combination Red Mullet (triglia di scoglio) and Sole (Sogliola) with the option to have pan fried rather than just fried. In the summer this can be a welcome change when the number of beach visitors grow and their corresponding fish lunches. Like most other fish restaurants you can select your preference of fish or seafood which is priced by the kilo accordingly.

At weekends we share an antipasti €22, have 2 pasta dishes and share a second with one of their great mixed salads. The set menu in the week is lighter on the anti-pasti with 2 small tasting primi so you will easily be able manage the 3 courses per person.

Trattoria LucianaPrice –  €70 for 2 people including shared antipasti, 2 pasta dishes, 1 main course with salad ,  1/2 litre of house wine, coffee

Value for money – 9/10
Quality of food – 9/10

Lungo Mare Trieste 60 | Roseto degli Abruzzi |64026

Telephone: 085 997143 | No email or website

Sam Dunham
Author: Sam Dunham

Sam is a very lucky midlife 'mamma' to A who is 12 and juggles her work as a self-employed freelance SEO food and travel copywriter and EFL teacher. She is the founder of the Life In Abruzzo Cultural Association, co-founder of Let's Blog Abruzzo. she is the founder of the 'English in the Woods' initiative, teaching English outdoors in a forest style school.

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