0 Have you ever wanted to share your passion for Abruzzo with the world? Could you manage it in less than 3 minutes?Would you like to win a weekend for 2 in the heart of the Campo Imperatore-Piana di Navelli mountain community in untouched Caporciano (AQ)? It’s an ancient medieval village, 836 meters above sea level, famous for its rustic stone buildings, winding alleys, and panoramic views and perfect for a serene getaway and base through which to explore Abruzzo.All you need is a smart phone and to record for us in English an audio file with a story about something historical, a piece of art, its heritage or something from its rich nature that you adore and want to share with others. You will be able to enter from anywhere in world!STAN is an event organised by the cultural association Tratturo Magno 101 A.P.S. with the patronage of the Italian Touring Club and the online partnership of LifeInAbruzzo.com to bring together people who love telling stories and have a passion for Abruzzo.They are seeking “amateur enthusiasts” who can entertain the public about a monument, a historical event, a character, a curiosity, or whatever you find awesome within the region.Within 3 minutes or less, you, the “contestant”, will share your knowledge and passion, in an engaging and informative audio clip while leaving the viewer with the desire to learn more and visit! The theme must be connected to Abruzzo, Italy’s rocky heart. Contestants must only use their own words, with if they wish small objects or photos that can be projected on the event night in Caporciano. There will be 4 general themes, allowing for many possibilities to branch out. Some examples:• History (a castle, a church, a palace, an archaeological site…)• Art (a painting, a sculpture or other work…)• Heritage (a tradition, a saying, an object…)• Nature (A plant, an animal, a rock, a path…)There is a special online-only section in English for Abruzzo lovers from all over the world, whether your love for Abruzzo is through ancestry, as a visitor or you have moved to the region. An audio and video collection will also be put together of these entries as a collection to be shown on YouTube. For those with Abruzzese ancestry your entry won’t be a one-hit wonder but collected together by LifeInAbruzzo, ready to be heard for Italy’s ‘Year of Roots’ in 2024, recycled and reused following age-old Abruzzesi traditions.The winning English language entry will receive a weekend for 2 people at a local B&B in Caporciano, and the runner-up one night for 2 people at the B&B. Both prizes are available for up to one year once the winners have been announced. Competition entries must be received by August 31st 2023.If you would like to enter contact us to propose your favourite subject. We’ll help you get your message out and heard online and into the competition!Contact: sam@lifeinabruzzo.comCell./Whatsup: 0039 350 9049043If you would like to attend the event in person:Date: 16th September 2023Where: Chiesa dei CinturelliTime: 19:00What You Can Do In and From CaporcianoClick Here Author: Sam DunhamSam is a very lucky midlife 'mamma' to A who is 13 and juggles working as a freelance SEO copywriter & teaches IGCSEs at Istituo Cristo Re in Rome. She is the founder of the Life In Abruzzo Cultural Association, co-founder of Let's Blog Abruzzo and 'English in the Woods' initiative.Protecting Abruzzo’s Charm,Empowering Generations to Come:Grow Life in Abruzzo!Support our not-for-profit cultural association via GoFundMe Donate now FREE NEWSLETTER Leave this field empty if you're human: