A Guide to Getting Married in Abruzzo, Italy

What do you need to get married in Abruzzo, Italy?  To help with our FAQ, we asked Julie Sanders from Amore Mio Events whose family run the independent Hotel Ambasciatori in Pineto that hosts on beach weddings, civil ceremonies,  LGBT weddings and renewal of vow ceremonies.

What is the minimum age to get married in Italy?

The minimum age is 18 years old.


If you get married in Italy do you have 1 or 2 ceremonies?

If you are having a civil ceremony,  you only need to have one.


Is it possible to have a secular wedding?

Yes, this is possible. If a symbolic ceremony is preferred then no legal documentation is required and the wedding can be conducted by a Celebrant or Officiant.


Is the ceremony translated?

The ceremony is conducted in Italian by the local Mayor and is generally translated by your wedding planner or officiant.


Is LGBT marriage legal in Italy?  Who conducts the services and is it considered legal internationally?

Yes, civil same sex union weddings are possible and are recognised by international law. The Legal Civil Union celebration is performed by the Mayor of the City and  2 witnesses are required  like any other civil marriage.


How much notice to the registrar and priest do you need to give?

As soon as you know your date it is best to block the date in advance to ensure availability between 6 months – 1 year in advance.


What are the best times of the year to get married in Abruzzo?

The month of May, the first 2 weeks of June and then in September to October when the weather is ideal for those that love the light but hate the heat.  This is the period when the beaches are not busy with tourists and it is not too hot but comfortable to be outside.  An afternoon wedding at 3/4pm is an ideal time to allow the bridal party to relax and get ready for the ceremony without the stress of rushing.


What’s the best time to get married in the summer?

During the summer, it can be quite hot and we normally advise our wedding couples to avoid the peak season from the end of June,  July and  through to August. Summer weddings are held towards in the evening when the sun is going down and the temperature is not so hot as during the day.  As July and August are also very popular months for Italians to go on holiday so the price of the wedding is higher especially along the coast and highly tourist areas.


How much notice do you need to give for a renewal of vows ceremony? Who conducts it?

If you are requiring a symbolic vow renewal then no paperwork or documentation is required.   As soon as you know your date then it’s best to book as you will also need to inform any guests that will have to make travel arrangements.


Last-minute elopements are they possible?

As long as there is availability (excluding the month of August), it’s possible to host an elopement providing that the legal documentation is filed and obtained in time.


How long do you have to be in Abruzzo before the marriage ceremony?

If you are getting married in Abruzzo and neither of you are Italian citizens or residents, you should arrive at least 2 working days in Italy before the wedding ceremony  as you  will need to visit the town hall with your interpreter to give notice of your intention to marry.   However, if one of you is an Italian citizen or resident in Italy, you will  need to post your ‘marriage banns’ to display on 2 Sundays before you are able to have a civil ceremony.  It is recommended to have a conversation with the town hall and confirm this date as soon as you decide on the date for your ceremony.


Outside of  presenting passports what other documentation is required by the couple getting married at the local town hall?

If you are from the UK or US you will need to ensure you have a notified and translated  ‘Nulla Osta’ (Certificate of No Impediment) ready to take with you when you depart to Italy ,  for French citizens this goes by the name of Certificate de coutume and a MP2A form for Irish citizens.  You must ensure that this document is no older than 6 months otherwise it will be declared void.

Getting married in Italy means also presenting your  original birth certificate which includes the names of both your parents and the bride and groom will need to present photocopies of their witnesses’ passports and provide their addresses and professions.


If you are divorced – a Decree Absolute & your previous marriage certificates.     If you are female and have previously been married your wedding cannot occur until 300 days after your marriage was annulled!


The death certificate of your late partner is required.

Adopted or legally changed your name

If you have officially changed your name –a Deed Polli certificate is required.


Do any of these documents need to be translated into Italian?

Yes, each of these required documents required will need to be translated into Italian by an authorised translator.


Do any of these documents need to be notarised, if so how long is required for this?

Once you have received both of your Nulla Osta’s, you will need to have these and any of the above  applicable documents legalised by visiting the Ufficio Legalizazione of the provincial Italian Government Agency, the Prefettura. You should check at the Italian Consulate for the Prefettura closest to you. You won’t need an appointment and if you have a wedding planner, they will generally sort this out for you.

When you have all of your documents together with their translations, you must appear before the local comune (council) town hall  alongside your interpreter to to make your declaration of your intention to marry.


What is the minimum cost of a) civic, b) church service cost?

The costs of a civil ceremony varies upon the location and day of the week selected.  The costs are lower during the weekday and at the Historical villa or the XVIII century Auditorium ( former convent/Church) located in the medieval hilltop part of  Pineto.   Here a set up fee and decorations are not required as both these locations are amazing with frescos on the walls therefore minimal decorations are needed.  The minimal costs may run to about to 1000 Euros ( considering that documents, a translator will be required).


To book the Hotel Ambasciatori exclusively how many guests would need to book?

The hotel has a total of 30 rooms and can accommodate up to 54 people. If all the rooms are booked by the guests (minimum 3 nights) then the guests would automatically qualify for exclusive use. If the rooms are not  all booked by your party but you would like exclusive use then you can choose to pay the difference of the unbooked rooms so the vacant rooms will be blocked from any one outside of your party to reserve any rooms.


What is the minimum cost including arrangement fee for all the services that the hotel offers?

All our quotes are personalised depending on the size of the group and the services that are required.  It is always best to send a request with the period, estimated size of the group and the services that are being requested.  We have a wide range of trusted suppliers from wedding planner, photographer, videographer, DJ to bands, entertainment ideas to excursions, and transport.

Contact  Amore Mio Events, Hotel Ambasciatori 

Amore Mio Events: Website |  Facebook | Instagram

Tel. : +39 331 798 4526 | Email: amoremioevents@gmail.com

Address: Via XXV Aprile, 65025 Pineto (TE)

Sam Dunham
Author: Sam Dunham

Sam is a very lucky midlife 'mamma' to A who is 12 and juggles her work as a self-employed freelance SEO food and travel copywriter and EFL teacher. She is the founder of the Life In Abruzzo Cultural Association, co-founder of Let's Blog Abruzzo. she is the founder of the 'English in the Woods' initiative, teaching English outdoors in a forest style school.

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